Receive international payments

  • Get paid faster at a better FX rate

  • Collect from +150 countries

  • Invoicing made simple

Receive international payments as quick as a local bank transfer

Access over 20 currencies and exchange to the currency you need, at bank-beating rates.

Get paid faster

Collect payments quickly with same-day transfers on major currencies.

As we have local bank accounts in multiple countries across the globe, most international transfers on our platform are treated as domestic transfers, saving you time.

Receive more on every payment

Our competitive exchange rates and low flat-fee of just €3 (or currency equivalent) means more money goes straight to your bottom line.

In fact, we’re up to five times cheaper than the banks.

Invoicing made simple

Invoice customers in their local currency and they’ll know exactly how much to send you. Their payment will arrive as fast as a domestic transfer, without the hidden bank fees.

You can then exchange that payment to your own or another currency with our great live rates, often beating the rates you see on Google.

Getting started is easy

Sign up today and start saving on international money transfers and FX.


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Sullivan's Brewing Company

We only use CurrencyFair for our FX transactions, I'm a big fan and use it weekly if not daily as we brew in Ireland receipt in US dollar. We're constantly routing funds back and forth as we manage working capital. The customer care team are a very responsive group of people - I've had issues with other fintech companies in terms of actually getting a hold of people, but we get first-class service in spades with CurrencyFair. I know we're in safe hands.

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Dan Smithwick • CFO

Sullivan's Brewing Company

Regulated & secure

Regulated & secure

We are fully regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) so your money is in safe hands.

One account, multiple currencies

One account, multiple currencies

Remove the hassle and fees of managing different currency accounts.

Keep customers happy

Keep customers happy

Simplify doing business with your customers. Invoice in their local currency so they know exactly how much to pay.

Avoid excessive fees

Avoid excessive fees

Our transparent flat-fee of just SGD 5 (or currency equivalent) means you can rest assured there are no surprises hidden in our fine print.

In the office, working from home or on the go

Access our platform from any device at any time.

CurrencyFair IOS App
CurrencyFair Android App

Get the CurrencyFair Advantage today

Access bank-beating FX rates, low-cost international transfers, and first-class customer support.