Pay tuition fees

Access bank-beating FX when studying abroad.

Competitive rates

Our lower-margin FX rates offer bigger savings on overseas money transfers.

World-class service

Experienced customer support team available.

Trusted & secure

Authorised as a payment institution. See more.

Save money when studying abroad - wherever you are in the world

Exchange to over 20 currencies from one multi-currency account.

Low cost, secure transfers

On average, CurrencyFair only adds 0.53% to the mid-market currency exchange rate, whereas traditional banks can add markups of between 3% and 6%

Our competitive exchange rates and low flat-fee of just €3 (or currency equivalent) means more money in your pocket when sending money overseas for university fees, tuition costs, and other educational expenses.

Send and receive money quickly

Whether transferring money for your living expenses or to pay for textbooks and enrollment fees, CurrencyFair has you covered.

Access same-day transfers on major currencies and receive money from over 150 countries quickly and securely. As we have local bank accounts in multiple countries across the globe, most international transfers on our platform are treated as domestic transfers, saving you time and money.

20+ currencies, one account

Access over 20 currencies and exchange to the currency you need, at bank-beating rates.

Avoid hidden currency exchange fees and high international banking fees when transferring your savings overseas with CurrencyFair.

Bank-beating rates, at home or on the go

Access our platform from any device at any time.

CurrencyFair IOS App
CurrencyFair Android App

Martha Loughlin | CurrencyFair customer

You are sending your hard-earned money – you worked so many hours for this, every euro counts so why would you not want to save money?

Martha Loughlin trusted CurrencyFair with her savings when emigrating to Canada from Ireland. By avoiding hefty international banking fees, Martha had more money to fund her new start in Canada.

Other ways to save with CurrencyFair

Discover others ways CurrencyFair can help you save, or check out our live conversion rates here to see how much you can save.

Pay overseas tax

Save on conversion fees when filing your overseas tax return.

Learn more

Receive proceeds from selling shares

Our competitive exchange rates means more money in your pocket.

Learn more

Buy overseas property

Make property purchase a hassle-free success.

Learn more

Transfer money overseas

Avoid excessive bank fees every month when sending money home.

Learn more

Frequently asked questions

How can I securely transfer my savings when studying abroad?
How do I register for a CurrencyFair personal account?
How does CurrencyFair’s pricing work?

Do you have the CurrencyFair advantage?

Access bank-beating FX rates, low-cost international transfers, and first-class customer support.